On Sensuality, Seduction & Stress


I am willing to accept love on the way to what I want

And that means that I am now open to heartache.

My desire to learn the contours of your neck

The way you arch your back

And the form that you’re teaching me to take around you


I’ve decided that learning is worth it

I want it etched on my skin

With teeth and bone

For blood lost

And vision found

Somewhere between your own eyes

With energy so pure

That to taste it is to see God


With the wisp of fingers all over

And the whisper of want

Winding its way






Oh, God.

Can this really be?


I always thought this was just

One big cosmic joke.

I was above it.

And now we’ve both fallen under.

  • An except from an unfinished mini poetry anthology: Waiting//For Something Sexy that explores the power of seduction purely put through the written word.

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